Hialeah Ranked Among Worst Cities for Recreation

They won't leave my Hialeah alone! Wallet hub ran a new study to determine the best and worst cities for recreation in the country. Out of 100, Hialeah came in 98th, Miami came in 49th place, and Orlando came in first place for best entertainment. 

Here are a few of the things they looked at to make the ranking and the full list of cities is here

Best vs. Worst

  • New York has the most park playgrounds per square root of the population, 0.5737, which is 17.4 times more than in Hialeah, Fla., the city with the fewest at 0.0330.  

  • San Francisco has the highest share of the population with walkable park access, 98 percent, which is 4.9 times higher than in Louisville, Ky., the city with the lowest at 20 percent.  
  • St. Louis has the highest spending on parks per capita, $482, which is 25.4 times higher than in Jersey City, N.J., the city with the lowest at $19.  

  • San Francisco has the most bike rental facilities per square root of the population, 0.0694, which is 49.6 times more than in Fresno, Calif., the city with the fewest at 0.0014. 

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