Your Precious Moments figurine could be worth thousands

Remember the obsession with these figurines just a few years ago? I remember visiting friends who had collections with dozens of these. I never got into them and now I’m regretting it.  

If you have a bunch of these Precious Moments collecting dust on a shelf it might be worth your time to take a look at them and see if you have this particular one. It’s called “God Loveth a Cheerful Giver,” and right now it’s one of the most valuable classic precious moments figurines because it is one of the original 21 collectibles released in 1979. 

Originally this sold for $15 but today it’s selling for $188 and $250 on EBay. Paul Barton, a spokes person for Woolvey Fine Antiques and Collectibles says the figurine has been valued “in excess of $2000.” 

Did you look? Do you have one?

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