Social Media Star Livestreams While Having Sex

The stream has since been removed but 14,000 people we're logged on! Kristen Hancher, 18-year-old social media star, was getting it on with her boyfriend Andrew Gregory but apparently someone accidentally pressed the wrong button and ended up going LIVE on Instagram for approximately 3min. Out of her over 3 million followers only 14,000 were logged on, which is probably a good thing. But not any less embarrassing. 

The good news is that the camera was turned away from the couple so there wasn't much to see. The audio however was... let's just say it was enough to giveaway exactly what was going on. 

Once they realized what had happened to couple cut off the feed and Hancher was quick to apologize to her followers for the mistake saying: 

Whoever saw my live, I just wanna apologise; that was totally NOT intentional. Delete it from your mind.

On what happened on my live, on my Instastory, I accidentally went live and found out three minutes later and 14,000 people were watching. I am so sorry.

That was super embarrassing and super uncomfortable.

I apologise to all my fan pages. I know you all have been upset because I never gave you guys a full explanation.

But for real, guys, s**t happens. Accidents happen. You have to move and and pretend like it never happened and go on with your life. That’s what I’m gonna do.

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