Bill Cosby Targeted by Drone Over Prison

The whole drone thing is pretty creepy if you ask me, regardless of who they're spying on... In this case, according to TMZ, the target was Bill Cosby during a walk in the yard at State Correctional Institute Phoenix, where he's serving 3-10 years for sexual assault. I didn't know this but it looks like all Pennsylvania prisons got drone detection systems last year as part of sweeping security upgrades.

I've obviously been watching too any movies but my first thought was rivaling groups using drones to "take out" their opponents while they have time outdoors in prison. I know... I watch too much TV and have a crazy imagination... buuuuuuut it could happen.

Anyway, do you have a drone? How do you feel about people being able to fly drones anywhere, including over your home, and being able to watch you while you're outside tanning or playing with your kids?


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