Dad Pretends to Sell Baby for Snapchat Prank. Gets Massive Police Response

Talk about a joke gone bad! Brian Slocumis is a 43-year-old single dad in Sarasota, Florida who was recently introduced to Snapchat by his nephew.

To celebrate the fun that Snapchat can be, Brian decided to prank a local pawn shop pretending he wanted to SELL his seven-month-old son.

He walked in, put his baby up on the counter in his car seat . . . told the pawn shop owner he was "barely used" . . . asked what he was worth . . . and secretly recorded the whole exchange on his phone.

Now the big mistake he made is he never told the store owner it was a joke, and just walked out. So, of course, the guy called the police and a few hours later, Brian saw the story on the local news and freaked out.

He called the cops to try to explain what happened. Then DOZENS of officers showed up at his house. But they ultimately decided not to charge him with a crime.

Brian talked to the local news later on, and said his son is the most important thing in his life. And he understands now that pretending to sell him at a pawn shop wasn't a great idea. 

Not a great idea, but I would still love to see the video of the pawn shop owner's face as all this went down.

Pawn shop surveillance video
Brian sitting for his interview with local news.

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