Pig Ear Dog Treats Recalled After Salmonella Warning Issued by FDA

Dog parents listen up! the Federal Drug and Food Administration (FDA) recalled pig ear pet treats after 125 people fell ill, possibly because of coming in contact with the dog treat. If you feed your fur baby these treats you need to stop and throw the treats away.

The FDA and CDC are urging customers to avoid all pig ear pet treats and asking retailers to take the pig ear treats off the shelves. One distributor, Lennox Intl Inc. who distributes some of the pig ears, has recalled some of the treats involved in the outbreak.

"The FDA has traced back some of the pig ear treats associated with cases of illness to sources in Argentina and Brazil. Two firms have recalled their products. Samples of these treats have tested positive forSalmonella, and further testing is ongoing to identify the specific Salmonella fingerprint," the release states.

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