Venomous Octopus Bites Woman After She Puts It On Her Face For A Photo

I just ask myself... WHY?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I love a crazy pic as much as the next gal but I don't think I'd ever put a slimy sea creature on my face (or anywhere else) to a pic. I WOULD however kiss a tiger on the nose for a pic, but that's different... right?

Maybe not.

Anyway, this poor woman definitely regretted her photo op with this octopus. Jamie Bisceglia noticed a few fishermen had hooked an octopus and asked them if she could put it on her face while they took her photo.

A woman's attempt to win a photo contest at a fishing derby near Tacoma, Washington painfully backfired.Jamie Bisceglia noticed a few fishermen had hooked an octopus and asked them if she could put it on her face while they took her photo.

A few seconds later, the octopus got tired of being used as a prop and bit her chin.

"It had barreled its beak into my chin and then let go a little bit and did it again," said Bisceglia. "It was a really intense pain when it went inside, and it just bled, dripping blood for a long time."

Now she's on multiple antibiotics and doctors say the recovery could take a few months. She's still in pain. But... she got her vengeance on the octopus. She took it home. Cooked it and ate it.

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