A Ben Affleck Impersonator Is Catfishing People On Dating App Raya

So there was recently rumors that Ben Affleck is on the dating app Raya. If you don't know what Raya is, it is an exclusive dating app that celebrities or high profile people use. Not just anyone can join either. You have to prove you're a celeb to join Raya.

Recently The Millionaire Matchmaker Patty Stanger revealed she had seen Ben Affleck on the dating app a few times.

When Ben was asked recently if he was on the app, he denied it. He said he's not active on any dating app, including Raya.

According to sources with access to the app, Ben's profile has been updated pretty frequently with photos and a bio. Ben himself denied it to Mack (in the video above). He also flat out denied being on any dating apps on Good Morning America. He said,

"I'm not on Tinder, Brinder, Bumble, Humble. I am not on any of them."

Do you think Ben should go on a dating app?

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