Miami Beach Increasing Safety This Memorial Day Weekend

Check-in with us every morning as we kick off 90 minutes of Non-Stop ’90s at 8:00 am! @Totally939Miami! - #MackInTheMorning @MACKONTHERADIO & @iAmLettyB

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Safety and security remains a huge focus on Miami Beach and to insure that continues police are already looking ahead to Memorial Day weekend.

Barricades were put into place along Washington Avenue in an effort to try and control traffic. Over 250 MBPD officers will work 12 hour shifts and over 550 officers from both Miami Beach and other agencies will be on duty.

According to NBC6, additional measures include:

  • Direct or indirect consumption of alcohol on beach property will be prohibited unless specifically authorized by a Special Event Permit or a concession agreement.
  • Limitations of traffic routes to prohibit vehicular access to non-residents, and permit access only for residents and those patrons and employees of businesses located in the specific area where traffic routes have been limited.
  • Capacity limits will be in effect on various segments of the beach to protect the health, safety and public welfare. Additional access will be denied once capacity limits are reached.
  • Coolers, inflatable devices, tents, tables and similar structures on the beach may not be permitted.
  • The implementation of an LPR Police detail will be utilized on eastbound traffic lanes on the MacArthur and Julia Tuttle causeways, and any other access points into the city.
  • The suspension, or the issuance, of a business tax receipt to promoters for any dance or entertainment events to be held at an alcoholic beverage establishment located in the MXE and CD-2 districts.
  • The suspension and closure of business entities renting or leasing certain vehicles — including golf carts, low-speed vehicles, autocycles, motorized scooters, mopeds, motorcycles powered by motors of 50cc or less and motorized bicycles.

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