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It may not be a title that this state is proud of, but in recent study shows that Wisconsin is the home to 7 of the 10 drunkest cities in the U.S. and on top of that, 12 of the top 20. How did they measure “drunkenness?” By the percentage of the population that drinks heavily during the week or binge drinks. That translates to 4 to 5 drinks in one sitting or 15 drinks or more per week.
Miami doesn’t even make the list!?!?
Here’s the full list...and the percentage of adults that drink excessively:
1. Appleton, WI – 26.8%
2. Oshkosh-Neenah, WI – 26%
3. Green Bay, WI – 25.6%
4. Madison, WI – 25.5%
5. Fargo, ND – 25.2%
6. LaCrosse – Onalaska, WI – 25.1%
7. Fond du Lac, WI – 24.6%
8. Ames, IA – 24.4%
9. Eau Claire, WI – 24.3%
10. Mankato-North Mankato, MN – 24.2%
Here’s the ultimate hangover cure!