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Florida public school officials could face financial consequences including withholding of salary if they implement mask mandates.
Gov. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order last month aimed at barring local school boards from imposing mask mandates for students.
The State Department of Health approved a new rule that, in part, requires school mask mandates to allow parents to opt out of the requirement.
“Students may wear masks or facial coverings as a mitigation measure; however, the school must allow for a parent or legal guardian of the student to opt-out the student from wearing a face covering or mask,” the health department’s rule said.
According to a recent article on ABC News; Christina Pushaw a spokeswoman for DeSantis said that districts requiring a doctor’s note for students to be excused from wearing a mask are not following the governor’s order.
“All parents deserve the freedom to choose whether to opt out their own child. This should not be contingent on their ability to procure a doctor’s note. These policies violate the spirit of the executive order protecting parents’ freedom to choose.”
DeSantis’ order, in part, directed state Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran to withhold funds from “noncompliant” school boards that impose mask requirements during the school year.
It “would be the goal of the State Board of Education to narrowly tailor any financial consequences to the offense committed,” Pushaw said.