UPDATE: Florida Man who shot dog 7 times Speaks to the Media and Were BLOWN

OK...so this dude takes Douche Bag to the next level!!!

If you missed the original story:

Chayse Billie was arrested on Tuesday after allegedly (but we know he did it) shooting a service dog named Matilda 7 times inside a Davie Vet Clinic Kennel.

Not only was it horrific and atrocious but Billie was caught on camera recording himself doing it...

Davie & Seminole Police were able to apprehend the suspect on Tuesday and he was placed in custody and charged with felony aggravated animal abuse. If convicted he could receive up to 5yrs in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000.

He was released on bond yesterday and our friends at WSVN Ch 7 caught up with him and you'll never believe what he SAID....

Did he seriously just say, "...Ill buy you a new dog"?!!!!!!

OMG...this guy is giving us straight SOCIOPATH Vibes!!!

Hopefully the FBI and local authorities have him on some sort of watch list 'cuz I definitely don't think this is the last we'll be hearing from him!

What do you think is the proper punishment for a crime like this...?

Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado