OOPS! FedEx Accidently Delivers $20,000 in Lottery Tickets to Woman's House

What would you do if you received $20,000 worth of scratch tickets in the mail by accident?

Just ask Danielle Alexandrov of Falmouth, Massachusetts, since that's exactly what happened to her.

Danielle explained, “I start going through the boxes, everything is normal until I get a box that is very heavy. I open it up and it's a box of scratch tickets. And I’m thinking, 'is this a joke?' until I look at the receipt and its value is $20,000 worth of scratch tickets.”

The tickets were mistakenly delivered to her by FedEx instead of the nearby Kenyon’s Market, a popular lottery store in the area.

Ultimately, Alexandrov returned the tickets to the Massachusetts Lottery, which, according to lottery officials, is the correct thing to do.

Christian Teja, a representative with the Massachusetts Lottery, said, "These tickets, until they're activated by a retail agent, there's really no value to them. If someone tried to take one of these tickets, if it was a winning ticket, brought it to a retail location, there would be a message that would flag it and they'd be unable to catch the ticket."

FedEx has not commented on the story.

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