Nathalie Rodriguez

Nathalie Rodriguez

Nathalie is the daughter of a Colombian mom and Venezuelan dad, born in New York and raised in Hialeah, FL.Biografía completa


Good News Before Zzz Helps Health, Sex Life

It may seem like there's not much good news out there right now . . . but you should really try to find some, and talk about it in bed tonight.  Apparently it makes for spectacular foreplay.  A new study out of Gonzaga University in Washington found that when couples talk about good news in their lives or in the world before they go to bed, they have a better SEX LIFE.  It also helps people sleep better . . . which improves their overall health and can even make them live longer.  

And if you're struggling to think of good news, the researchers say even small things from your day are okay . . . like telling them how you squeezed in a workout or had a good conversation with a coworker.

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