Nathalie Rodriguez

Nathalie Rodriguez

Nathalie is the daughter of a Colombian mom and Venezuelan dad, born in New York and raised in Hialeah, FL.Biografía completa


Hairy Men... ARE SEXY!! (Do you agree? CLICK & VOTE)

Gentlemen, you can stop Nairing your back and chest-- it turns out ladies like hairy men. 

According to a video by AsapSCIENCE, men and women have the same number of hair follicles, but men have more of something called 'terminal' hair, which is the thick, furry hair that is found on top of the head, while women have more 'vellus' hair, which resembles peach-fuzz and is much harder to notice. 

This makes sense, as the hormone testosterone is what makes men hairy, and having more testosterone means a man has a higher sex drive, more energy, and more confidence.

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