Michelle Fay

Michelle Fay

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Spice Girls, All Five, Could Reunite In 2021 According To Sporty Spice!

When the Spice Girls got together back in 2019, it was NOT a complete reunion... I don't care if that's an unpopular opinion! Posh Spice, aka Victoria Beckham, wasn't apart of the reunion soooooo did it count? Technically, yes. But not to me!

Well next year, 2021, marks 25 years since Spice Girls released their song "Wannabe" (which I very passionately performed at my 3rd grade talent show with my friends LOL). To celebrate that, there could be a reunion planned for 2021!!!

According to Mel C, aka Sporty Spice, their 'What's App' chat between all five ladies has been BUSY with talks about getting together next year!

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